Friday, November 17, 2006

Sing with me... "Oh Canada...that big and empty land...."

Happy Thanksgiving!!

This year Rodney, Nattie, and I head to Canada to celebrate this glorious feasting holiday with folks who really know how to feast!

The whole Mitchell gang will be there...for the first time in something like a decade! Which will be AWESOME. A quick check of the weather tells me that today's temp for Manitoba is -13 C which translates to......ummm.....flippin' cold! AND it feels like a brisk -8 C.....well, thank you very much. My Californian blood freezes at 50 degrees so...... I'll be wearing lots of layers.

And with the feasting that is sure to happen, we'll be bringing some of those layers back with us.

Tipping off the holiday season...

The first Thanksgiving away from home means I will be missing the mayhem and "good cheer" that goes along with the day-after-Thanksgiving sales and the subsequent front page of the Sac Bee reporting the "good cheer" spread by those standing outside of the local Wal-Mart duking it out over some lame door prize. Okay, okay, I won't really miss those things, but the thing that I really will miss, that kicks off the holiday season and gets a chuckle out of me every stinkin' year: the 24-hour TV marathon loop of Jean Shepherd's classic, The Christmas Story. A treasure trove of good times!

Ahhh....who doesn't like Ralphie? And mama's little piggy?

C'mon.....they're great!

Ok, I concede that perhaps not everybody feels the same way about Randy and Ralphie as I do (like most of my family), indulge me....if not The Christmas Story....what? And Nicole, if you say It's a Wonderful Life so help me....

Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving and thanks to the Durans, Nevins, and Ro for helping us out while we are gone! Love you guys!


Anonymous said...

I am going to have to agree with your sister that It's A Wonderful Life is the BEST Christmas movie ever! But I will concede that A Christmas Story is a very close second! Have a wonderful time in Canada. I hope you are able to stay warm. By the way, you reminded of one reason why we may not move to the East Coast...freezing winters!
Happy Thanksgiving! Nicole (the one from school! I remember how many "Nicole's" you know!)

Anonymous said...

Do you mean that I've been getting up at 4;30 am every day after thanksgiving for the past however many years, just to be with you and you don't even LIKE it????? Well, I won't be missing it either!! But, we will be on the East Coast and hopefully NOT freezing, so Happy Thanksgiving to the entire Mitchell clan and enjoy God's many Blessings!!!
love you

Anonymous said...

I think that Elf is a pretty good candidate! I like smiling, smiling's fun!

Man, that picture of Nate in the suitcase is super cute...what a good idea that was...

Yes..GREAT idea. Love you guys.

Anonymous said...

Best Christmas movie ever? I’m going to reach into another genre and say “The Passion of the Christ.” Come on, how can you argue with that!?!?!?

Anonymous said...

=) Well, since I'm a complete wimp and haven't even worked up the courage to watch "The Passion of the Christ" yet, I have to say that my favorite Christmas movie is "Charlie Brown's Christmas"...amazingly solid for a cartoon!!

I hope you guys are feeling better! We've missed you!

Anonymous said...'s been three days...

Pop Pop gets more pictures?


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