Monday, August 21, 2006

More good news

Well, Nathan's platelets are up to 108K and if he starts feeding well they say he'll be able to come home tomorrow! That's obviously very good news since that's what we've been looking forward to.They increased his feedings to 40ml yesterday and we were even able to feed him once!

Once he was consistantly eating 40ml regularly (every 3 hrs) he was allowed to start eating as much as he wanted. His first "ad lib" feeding he took 70ml but they said it was normal for the first one to be higher than average.

Anyway, we very much appreciate everyone's prayers and support. We're going to try to go back and fill in some details for the last few days so keep checking back to see what's new.

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

It’s a good thing Rodney got to hold him. After all, he was wearing his party shirt.

[Originally posted August 26th, 2006 at 4:37 pm.]


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